Whether you are a Landlord or Tenant, we here at John J Quinn & Co can assist and advise you in all aspects of this area of law. We have a wealth of experience and skill in advising both landlords and tenants, whether corporate or private, in relation to all aspects of both commercial and residential property lettings.
As an investor in property, you as a Landlord need to protect your investment and the interests of any Lender with a charge secured over it, by securing your rights and duties under a lease, and the timely receipt of rental payments in particular if servicing a charge over the property. You may need to take steps to protect your interests and property in the event of breaches of the terms of any letting agreement by the Tenant. As a Tenant, you need to be aware of the rights and duties of both your Landlord and yourself regarding the property and the possible remedies available to you to protect your interest in the property if things don’t go to plan as can happen.

In the case of a residential tenancy, both Landlords and Tenants need sound and considered advice around the legislative provisions and duties introduced for both by the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 which introduced to Ireland extensive and wide ranging protections and regulations regarding the letting and occupancy of residential leases which both Landlords and Tenants must be aware to ensure compliance with all aspects thereof.We here at John J Quinn & Co have a wide range of experience and skill in this area and can advise in all areas including the following:
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